• Shaker Worktable

    This piece is reflective of a similar worktable built by the Canterbury Shaker Village in New Hampshire (Encyclopedia of Shaker Furniture).

    The New Shaker Studio Worktable is 56 inches long, 18 inches wide, and 31 inches high. The top, legs, and door frames are Walnut. The door inserts and drawer fronts are Curly Maple.

  • Shaker Candle Stand

    The Book of Shaker Furniture by John Kassay attributes this candle stand to the New Lebanon Shaker Community in New York.

    The New Shaker Studio Version has a Walnut pedestal with a Birds Eye Maple top and legs. The table is 28 1/2 inches high, with a 12 inche diameter top.

  • Shaker Worktable

    The Encyclopedia of Shaker Furniture documents this piece as a worktable made by the New Lebanon Shaker Community in New York.

    The New Shaker Studio version is made of Ambrosia Maple. The table is 61 inches long, 18 1/2 inches wide, and 31 inches high.

  • Shaker Bench

    The Book of Shaker Furniture by John Kassay. attributes the bench to the Pleasant Hill Shaker Community in Kentucky.

    The New Shaker Studio Bench is Maple, 54 inches long, 9 inches wide, and 16 7/8 inches high. It has wedged through-tenons and dado joints connecting the legs to the top.

  • Shaker Dining Set

    John Kassay describes a similar table in the Book of Shaker Furniture. Kassay attributes this to the Canterbury Shaker Community in New Hampshire.

    The New Shaker Studio Version has a Walnut top and legs. The sides are Birds Eye Maple. The table is 65 1/2 inches long, 33 1/2 inches wide, and 31 inches high.

    The chairs are Maple with two of the chairs having arms.

  • Shaker Bench

    The inspiration for the Shaker Bench came from the Book of Shaker Furniture by John Kassay. Kassay attributes the bench to the New Lebanon Shaker Community in New York.

    The New Shaker Studio Version is pine and stained Shaker Chrome Yellow. It is 28 inches wide, 11 inches in depth, and 18 inches in height. It has wedged through-tenons, and dado joints connecting the legs to the top.

  • Shaker Table

    The Encyclopedia of Shaker Furniture identifies this table as a product of the Mount Lebanon Shaker Community in New York

    The New Shaker Studio Table is 29 inches long, 19 inches wide, and 29 1/2 inches high. The top, legs, and drawers are Curly Maple. The sides are Walnut.

  • Shaker Dining Table

    John Kassay’s Book of Shaker Furniture describes a similar table built by the Canterbury Shaker Community in New Hampshire.

    The New Shaker Studio Version is Tap Wood Maple (wood tapped for maple syrup) and finished natural. It is 56 inches long, 26 1/2 inches wide, and 29 inches in height.

  • Shaker Shelf

    John G. Shea documented a similar flight of shelves in The American Shakers and Their Furniture. Shea attributes the shelf to the Hancock Shaker Community in Massachusetts.

    The New Shaker Studio version is pine and has had a height of 67 inches, a depth of 12 inches, and a length of 64 inches. The columns connect to the base pieces with through a mortise and tenon joints. The available piece is left natural.